Search Results (390 datasets found)
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390 datasets found for "vicmap"
Waterway Structures
Polygons representing natural waterway or channel structure locations (such as sediment ponds, litter traps, weirs, spillways, drop structures) and associated details. Includes...Melbourne Water Corporation
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Vegetation Cover for metropolitan Melbourne 2014
This dataset contains vegetation features represented by polygons as at 2014. Each polygon is based on ABS mesh blocks which have been subdivided by Vicmap property road...Department of Transport and Planning
Vegetation Cover for metropolitan Melbourne 2018
This dataset contains vegetation features represented by polygons as at 2018. Each polygon is based on ABS mesh blocks which have been subdivided by Vicmap property road...Department of Transport and Planning
Melbourne drain and waterway outlets
This data contains points representing drain and waterway outlet locations, associated with a natural waterway or channel centreline, within the Greater Melbourne region. This...Melbourne Water Corporation
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Ramsar Wetland Areas in Victoria at 1:25 000
Polygons defining Ramsar wetland areas in Victoria. The Ramsar Convention of Wetlands of International Importance, to which Australia is a signatory, requires contracting...Department of Energy, Environment and Climate Action
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Historic sites (line features)
Records about historic linear features on Victorian public land, collected as a result of field survey by NRE staff and contractors. Some data updated during Old Growth Forest...Department of Energy, Environment and Climate Action
Stock layer for calendar year 2016
This layer provides an annual view of residential dwellings for Metropolitan Melbourne defined by the 31 local government areas. Dwelling information is assigned to polygons...Department of Energy, Environment and Climate Action
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Office of Aboriginal Affairs Victoria Cultural Heritage Management Regions
This dataset contains the Office of Aboriginal Affairs Victoria (OAAV) cultural heritage management regional boundaries. OAAV is a branch of the Department of Premier and...Department of Premier and Cabinet
Waterways Centreline
Layer containing line objects delineating hydrological features, representing waterways managed by Melbourne Water (i.e. catchment size is greater than 60 hectares) that have...Melbourne Water Corporation
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PLM25 overlays representing Wildlife Management Co-operative Areas
This dataset was created in conjunction with PLM25, to represent one of the management overlays. The overlays have been mapped at 1:25 000, using VicMap topographic data in...Department of Energy, Environment and Climate Action
PLM25 overlays representing Wilderness Zones
This dataset was created in conjunction with PLM25, to represent the management overlays. The attributes are based on the PLM25 structure. The overlays have been mapped at 1:25...Department of Energy, Environment and Climate Action
PLM25 overlays representing Heritage Rivers
This dataset was created in conjunction with PLM25, to represent the management overlays. The attributes are based on the PLM25 structure. The overlays have been mapped at 1:25...Department of Energy, Environment and Climate Action
PLM25 overlays representing Natural Catchment Areas
This dataset was created in conjunction with PLM25, to represent the management overlays. The attributes are based on the PLM25 structure. The overlays have been mapped at 1:25...Department of Environment, Land, Water and Planning
PLM25 overlays representing Remote and Natural Areas
This dataset was created in conjunction with PLM25, to represent the management overlays. The attributes are based on the PLM25 structure. The overlays have been mapped at 1:25...Department of Energy, Environment and Climate Action
LUT to relate closed areas to PLMID in HUNT25_MTE_APP layer
This dataset links the HUNT25_CLOSED layer to spatial components in HUNT25_MTE_APP layer Note : Hunters are personally responsible for acting in accordance with the Firearms Act...Department of Energy, Environment and Climate Action
LUT to relate species Code in HUNT25_MTE_APP to permitted hunting category
This dataset is a look up table that links the values in the different species code fields in the HUNT25_MTE_APP layer to the category of hunting that is permitted for each of...Department of Energy, Environment and Climate Action
Project layer depicting housing activity over the years from 2005 and 2016
This layer provides an annual view of changes in lots and residential dwellings associated with housing development projects over each year for Metropolitan Melbourne defined by...Department of Energy, Environment and Climate Action
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PLM25 Overlays including Reference Areas, Heritage Rivers, Wilderness Zones, Remote & Natural Areas and Natural Catchment Areas
This dataset was created in conjunction with PLM25, to represent the management overlays. The attributes are based on the PLM25 structure. The overlays have been mapped at 1:25...Department of Energy, Environment and Climate Action
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Areas closed to hunting for a period of time
This dataset depicting areas where hunting is not permitted for a period of time and must be used with the other HUNT25 spatial datasets. The boundaries are largely derived from...Department of Energy, Environment and Climate Action
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Hunting Area Dataset Permitted Stubble Quail Hunting
This hunting area dataset depicting areas where Stubble Quail hunting is permitted, have boundaries largely derived from the PLM25 dataset which are supplemented with additional...Department of Energy, Environment and Climate Action