Search Results (102 datasets found)
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102 datasets found for "On-Track Survey"
Traffic Count Vehicle Classification 2014-2017
The City of Melbourne employs a contractor to perform traffic counts on roads throughout the municipality. The numbers of vehicles are recorded per hour and split into 12...City of Melbourne
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Victorian local government waste data dashboard
Since 2001–02, the Victorian Government has surveyed councils about their kerbside collection services (for rubbish, mixed recycling, glass recycling, and food organics and...Recycling Victoria
DET Objectives - selected Engagement and Wellbeing Indicators from the School Education output 2014-15
Indicator's survey trend data by region and age cohort. Derived from multiple questions. Only students who responded ‘agree’ or ‘strongly agree’ on all relevant questions are...Department of Education
Social Indicators for City of Melbourne Residents 2019
The City of Melbourne Social Indicators Survey (CoMSIS) was conducted for the first time in 2018. The survey collects data, annually, about the state of health, well-being,...City of Melbourne
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Social Indicators for City of Melbourne Residents 2020
The City of Melbourne Social Indicators Survey (CoMSIS) was conducted for the first time in 2018. The survey collects data, annually, about the state of health, well-being,...City of Melbourne
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Total Department Transportation: Sustainable Transport
Each year a survey is undertaken to look at the awareness of environmental impacts of the department, measure changes in behaviour, in order to improve and priorities the focus...Department of Justice and Community Safety
Historic sites (line features)
Records about historic linear features on Victorian public land, collected as a result of field survey by NRE staff and contractors. Some data updated during Old Growth Forest...Department of Energy, Environment and Climate Action
DoJ Environmental Data - Sustainable Travel 2013-14
Each year a survey is undertaken to look at the awareness of environmental impacts of the department, measure changes in behaviour, in order to improve and priorities the focus...Department of Justice and Community Safety
Soil types by area (Urban Forest)
These polygons represent approximate native soil sub-bases and derived textures based on digitized maps from the Geological Survey of Victoria (c. 1956). Soils are expected to...City of Melbourne
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DET Objectives - selected Engagement and Wellbeing Indicators from the School Education output 2015-16
Indicator's survey trend data by region and age cohort. Derived from multiple questions. Only students who responded ‘agree’ or ‘strongly agree’ on all relevant questions are...Department of Education
Monthly public transport patronage by mode
Monthly total patronage for metropolitan and regional train, metropolitan and regional bus, tram and regional coach services in Victoria, to allow users to analyse trends in...Department of Transport and Planning
Historic Places (point features)
Records about non-Aboriginal historic sites on Victorian public land, collected as a result of field survey by DELWP staff and contractors. Updated during the Regional Forest...Department of Energy, Environment and Climate Action
Vicmap Property - Cadastral Point
Cadastral Point is a point layer belonging to Vicmap Property and consists of data representing Victoria's land parcels, properties and road casements. It is used extensively in...Department of Energy, Environment and Climate Action
Victorian Soil type mapping
A spatial map layer of soil type (Australian Soil Classification) for Victoria. The harmonised map consists of 3,300 land units (totaling about 225,000 polygons) derived from...Department of Jobs, Skills, Industry and Regions
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Extractive Industry Interest Areas
The dataset displays areas identified by the Geological Survey of Victoria to be of known future interest to the extractive minerals industry. Areas are based on suitable...Department of Jobs, Skills, Industry and Regions
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Social Indicators for City of Melbourne Residents 2022
The City of Melbourne Social Indicators Survey (CoMSIS) was conducted for the first time in 2018. The survey collects data, annually, about the state of health, well-being,...City of Melbourne
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Vicmap Land Admininstration Themes - Cadastral Point
Cadastral Point is a point layer belonging to Vicmap Property and consists of data representing Victoria's land parcels, properties and road casements. It is used extensively in...Department of Energy, Environment and Climate Action
Sites of Significance for Rainforest
This layer identifies areas defined as sites of significance for rainforest initially delineated by David Cameron in 1990 as part of the statewide rainforest survey and...Department of Energy, Environment and Climate Action
Victorian Aboriginal Affairs Report 2019 (VGAAR)
An assessment of progress is made by examining data from 2008 (or closest to) until the latest available data at the time of reporting, in 2019. The baseline year is 2008 as...First Peoples State Relations
Monthly average patronage by day type and by mode
Daily average patronage each month for metropolitan and regional train, metropolitan and regional bus and tram services in Victoria for day types: normal weekday, school holiday...Department of Transport and Planning