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Vicmap Features - Geomark Index Extent Polygon
Polygon extent of named or 'could be' named Victorian topographic features. Inclusions are rivers, water bodies, transport (excluding roads), geographic features and most of the...Department of Energy, Environment and Climate Action
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Vicmap Land Administration Themes - Government Road Polygon
Part of the VLAT dataset series. This dataset plays a key role in the management of Victoria's Crown land. It is being created (June 2003 - Feb 2004) from migrating LCMP layers...Department of Energy, Environment and Climate Action
Vicmap Land Administration Themes - Crown Land Tenure and Cadastral Area Boundary Join Table
Crown Land Cadastral Area Boundary is an aspatial table that identifies the CAD_AREA_BDY lines associated wtith a CL_TENURE_VIEW polygon. VLAT consists of data representing...Department of Energy, Environment and Climate Action
Vicmap Property Simplified 1
Vicmap Property Simplified is a modified data model of Vicmap Property. It consists of data representing Victoria's land parcels, properties and road polygons and is used...Department of Energy, Environment and Climate Action
Vicmap Transport - Road and Paper Road Line
This layer is a superset of the Vicmap TR_ROAD dataset; the latter dataset that is part of Vicmap Transport. It is an extensive digital road network - line features delineating...Department of Energy, Environment and Climate Action
Mines and Mineral Occurrence Sites
Sites where earth resources have been demonstrated. This includes metallics, industrial minerals and construction materials, but excludes oil, gas and groundwater resources...Department of Jobs, Skills, Industry and Regions
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Vicmap Property - Parcel Polygon to Cadastral Area Boundary Join Table
Parcel Cadastral Area Boundary is a line layer belonging to Vicmap Property and consists of data representing Victoria's land parcels.Department of Energy, Environment and Climate Action
Vicmap Property - Property Polygon with Approved Primary Detail
Property Primary Approved a dataset from the product Vicmap Property Simplified 2, specifically generated for Local Government use..Department of Energy, Environment and Climate Action
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Vicmap Property - Property Polygon to Cadastral Area Boundary Join Table
Property Cadastral Area Boundary is a line layer belonging to Vicmap Property and consists of data representing Victoria's propertiesDepartment of Energy, Environment and Climate Action
Vicmap Land Administration Themes - Crown Land Tenure and Parcel Join Table
This dataset is part of the Vicmap Land Adminiistration Themes (VLAT) product. It identifies Parcels that are associated with a Crown Land Tenure and vice-versa. This dataset is...Department of Energy, Environment and Climate Action
Petrophysics Sample Locations
Petrophysics Sample LocationsDepartment of Jobs, Skills, Industry and Regions
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Vicmap Property - Easememt Proposed Annotation Text Point
Proposed easements annotation text is a point layer belonging to Vicmap Property Simplified 2 product. Only a subset of easements have been captured. This layer should be used...Department of Energy, Environment and Climate Action
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Vicmap Property - Centroid Point
Centroid is a point layer belonging to Vicmap Property and consists of data representing centroids for polygons representing Victoria's land parcels and properties. This layer...Department of Energy, Environment and Climate Action
Vicmap Land Administration Themes - Parcel Table
This layer contains aspatial details for all legal parcel boundaries in Victoria, both freehold and crown. A parcel is defined as the smallest area of land capable of sale...Department of Energy, Environment and Climate Action
Vicmap Index Vic StateView 2023/24 1.5m Orthorectified Strips
Part of Vicmap Index product, this dataset comprises footprints delineating orthorectified strips used in mosaicking Vic StateView 2023/24 1.5m. Each footprint represents the...- Preview
Designated Firewood Collection Areas
Firewood collection is allowed in designated firewood collection areas. Collection areas are located, where possible, to avoid sites of environmental and cultural significance,...Department of Energy, Environment and Climate Action
Hunting Area Dataset for More to Explore App
This dataset has been developed to support the More to Explore App. This data must be used with HUNT25_CLOSED. It contains A subset of the area of PLM25 along with key fields...Department of Energy, Environment and Climate Action
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Aerosol Optical Thickness (AOT)
Entura accumulated Level 3 data over 10 year period and interpolated to 5 km grid. Values of 'Deep Blue Aerosol Optical Depth' (AOT) from the MODIS Aqua data set are used in the...Department of Jobs, Skills, Industry and Regions
Areas closed to hunting for a period of time
This dataset depicting areas where hunting is not permitted for a period of time and must be used with the other HUNT25 spatial datasets. The boundaries are largely derived from...Department of Energy, Environment and Climate Action
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Land slope (degrees)
Slope in degrees over 1km grid for Victoria, generated by Entura for the Solar Atlas project. The methodology is contained within the report prepared by Entura which is...Department of Jobs, Skills, Industry and Regions