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467 datasets found
Potential Groundwater Dependent Ecosystem (GDE) Mapping for the Glenelg Hopkins CMA
Potential Groundwater Dependent Ecosystems (GDE) are ecosystems identified within the landscape as likely to be at least partly dependent on groundwater. State-wide screening...Department of Energy, Environment and Climate Action
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Vicmap Admin - Fire Rescue Victoria (FRV) Response Area Polygon
Part of the Vicmap Admin dataset series. This layer contains polygon features deliminating FRV's response area. NOTE: This dataset superceded FRV_LEGISLATED_BOUNDARY in August...Fire Rescue Victoria
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Vicmap Elevation - Morphology Point
This layer is part of Vicmap Elevation 10-20 Contours & Relief, a subset of Vicmap Elevation. It contains point features delineating morphology and related features....Department of Energy, Environment and Climate Action
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Geological Structures, Ovens Valley
This dataset consists of structural lineaments with a predominant WSW to ENE orientation and lesser WNW to ESE orientation for the Ovens Valley of Victoria. The dataset was...Department of Energy, Environment and Climate Action
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Spring Locations
The spring locations point dataset is a collation of various datasets that indicate spring locations across Victoria. The five data sources include: (1) GNR - Register of...Department of Energy, Environment and Climate Action
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Regolith Regional Radiometric Signature Area Lines (1:100,000)
This data contains areas of regolith materials classified according to their radiometric response. The interpretation concentrates on areas of alluvial and colluvial sediments...Department of Jobs, Skills, Industry and Regions
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PLM25 Overlays including Reference Areas, Heritage Rivers, Wilderness Zones, Remote & Natural Areas and Natural Catchment Areas
This dataset was created in conjunction with PLM25, to represent the management overlays. The attributes are based on the PLM25 structure. The overlays have been mapped at 1:25...Department of Energy, Environment and Climate Action
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Areas closed to hunting for a period of time
This dataset depicting areas where hunting is not permitted for a period of time and must be used with the other HUNT25 spatial datasets. The boundaries are largely derived from...Department of Energy, Environment and Climate Action
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Vicmap Admin - Metropolitan Fire Brigade (MFB) Region Polygon
Part of the Vicmap Admin dataset series. This layer contains polygon features delineating the current Metropolitan Fire Brigade Region Boundaries. Polygon features demonstrating...Fire Rescue Victoria
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Victorian Land Use Information System 2016-2017
The Victorian Land Use Information System (VLUIS) 2016/17 dataset has been created by the Spatial Information Sciences Group of the Agriculture Victoria Research in the...Department of Jobs, Skills, Industry and Regions
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Urban Development Program - Major Residential Redevelopments Sites 2022
The Urban Development Program (UDP) monitors and reports on major residential redevelopment projects across metropolitan Melbourne. Major redevelopment projects are those...- Preview
Geological zones of contact metamorphism (1:100,000)
The data displays areas of contact and regional metamorphism, and the style of metamorphism The data have been collected by the Geological Survey of Victoria. The dataset is...Department of Jobs, Skills, Industry and Regions
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Vicmap Lite - Watercourse Line - 1:250,000 to 1:5,000,000
This layer is part of Vicmap Lite and contains line features delineating hydrological features. Vicmap Lite datasets are suited for use between scales of 1: 250,000 and 1 : 5...Department of Energy, Environment and Climate Action
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Vicmap Index Vic StateView 2023/24 1.5m Mosaic Tiles
Part of Vicmap Index product, this dataset comprises footprints delineating mosaic tiles for Vic StateView 2023/24 1.5m. Each footprint represents the spatial extent of a tile,...- Preview
Vicmap Admin - State Assembly Polygon 1991
State wide data showing Lower House boundaries and names 1991. These are the Legislative Assembly Electoral Districts referred to as the Lower House Boundaries. SUPERSESED...Victorian Electoral Commission
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Interpreted Faults, North-West Murray Basin
This dataset depicts the location of the Danyo, Hindmarsh, Tyrell, Avoca and Leaghur faults in the north-western Murray Basin in Victoria. The faults have been digitised from...Department of Energy, Environment and Climate Action
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Surface Geochemistry Samples (being Superceded by GEOCHEMISTRY)
Surface Geochemistry Samples is derived from Minerals and Petroleum's SITES Oracle RDBMS. Data have been obtained from company reports of expired mineral Exploration and Mining...Department of Jobs, Skills, Industry and Regions
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Vicmap Elevation - Ground Type Polygon
This layer is part of Vicmap Elevation 10-20 Contours & Relief, a subset of Vicmap Elevation. It contains polygon features representing Includes. Rocky Outcrops, Sand &...Department of Energy, Environment and Climate Action
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Current Retention Licences
Regions showing the extent of mineral Retention Licences currently lodged with Earth Resources Regulations. The boundaries are derived from a combination of entering graticular...Department of Jobs, Skills, Industry and Regions
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Seismic Cross Section Lines
Seismic Cross Section Lines. The lines are an index of traces along Seismic Sections where special cross sectional diagrams have been produced.Department of Jobs, Skills, Industry and Regions
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