Plastics recovery in Victoria (part of the Victorian Recycling Industry Annual Survey)
Survey of Victorian recycling industries representing approx 95% of all recycled material in Victoria. Tonnes recycled of different material types recovered (glass, paper,...Sustainability Victoria
2001-02 to 2007-08 Local Government Waste and Recycling Services Survey
Sustainability Victoria surveys all Victorian local councils about their waste and recycling services each financial year. Collection of this data enables the performance of the...Sustainability Victoria
EPA Gippsland Lakes Water Quality Data 1990 - 2024
Water quality data collected from EPA Victoria Marine Fixed Site Network within the Gippsland Lakes. Contains water sample data on a range of nutrients and physical parameters,...EPA Water Sciences
EPA Western Port Water Quality Data 1990 - 2024
Water quality data collected from EPA Victoria Marine Fixed Site Network within Western Port. Contains water sample data on a range of nutrients and physical parameters,...EPA Water Sciences
EPA Port Phillip Bay Water Quality Data 1984 - 2023
Water quality data collected from EPA Victoria Marine Fixed Site Network within Port Phillip Bay. Contains water sample data on a range of nutrients and physical parameters,...EPA Water Sciences
EPA Victoria 2013 - 14 environmental sustainability data
This dataset reflects EPA Victoria's waste management, energy consumption, water consumption, paper use, transport, sustainable procurement and greenhouse gas emissions for the...Environment Protection Authority Victoria
DoJ Environmental Data - Summary trend report 2013-14
The Summary includes energy, water, waste, paper and transport across financial years.Department of Justice and Community Safety
DoJ Environmental Data - Energy Use 2013-14
Primary Source are: Electricity, Electricity (Green Power), Natural Gas, LPG. For example, energy is used in the running of industries within the correctional centresDepartment of Justice and Community Safety
DoJ Environmental Data - Waste 2013-14
The information is sourced from waste audits undertaken. The waste audit range from a one day audit to five days audit. The audit data has been extrapolated in accordance with...Department of Justice and Community Safety
DoJ Environmental Data - Paper Use 2013-14
The different recycled content of paper purchased are recoded (e.g. whether it is 10% recycled content or 80% recycled content). Any paper purchased outside of the whole-of-...Department of Justice and Community Safety
DoJ Environmental Data - Potable Water Use 2013-14
The data is sourced from both the water suppliers and loggers installed on-siteDepartment of Justice and Community Safety
DoJ Environmental Data - Vehicle fleet performance 2013-14
Fleet data is sourced from vehicle logbooks and fuel purchase records (both fuel cards and petty cash records) (approved fleet growth is not included). The data includes a...Department of Justice and Community Safety
DoJ Environmental Data - Air Travel 2013-14
The air travel data includes a number of statutory entities, excluding the Office of Public Prosecutions, which independently discloses its air travel.Department of Justice and Community Safety
DoJ Environmental Data - Sustainable Travel 2013-14
Each year a survey is undertaken to look at the awareness of environmental impacts of the department, measure changes in behaviour, in order to improve and priorities the focus...Department of Justice and Community Safety
Total Department Paper Usage
The different recycled content of paper purchased are recoded (e.g. whether it is 10% recycled content or 80% recycled content). The types of paper purchased includes: A3, A4,...Department of Justice and Community Safety
Departmental Greenhouse Gas Inventory
Greenhouse gas emissions factors are based on the Federal Department of Climate Change and Energy Efficiency National Greenhouse Gas Emissions Factors.Department of Justice and Community Safety
Total Department Transportation: Sustainable Transport
Each year a survey is undertaken to look at the awareness of environmental impacts of the department, measure changes in behaviour, in order to improve and priorities the focus...Department of Justice and Community Safety
Office-based Waste
The information is sourced from waste audits undertaken. The waste audit range from a one day audit to five days audit. The audit data has been extrapolated in accordance with...Department of Justice and Community Safety
Detox Your Home Disposal Points
Victorian Locations where unwanted household chemicals can be disposed of safely. Locations comprise permanent drop-off points and a schedule for a mobile service. Copyright...Sustainability Victoria
Towong 2012 Local Government Area Profiles
The Local Government Area profiles are produced annually, from data provided by a range of sources. The profiles currently include around 140 indicators relating to population,...Department of Health and Human Services