Victoria's waste projection model
Victoria’s waste projection model estimates waste generation in Victoria to 2050. Victoria’s waste projection model combines data from a range of sources to produce waste...Recycling Victoria
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EPA Victoria 2014-15 performance data
Statistics and key performance indicators relating to environment protection for the 2014-15 financial year. Tables are published in EPA Victoria's 2014-15 Annual Report.Environment Protection Authority Victoria
Parks Victoria Camp Grounds and Huts (GovHack 2016)
This dataset shows discrete huts and visitor campgrounds within Parks and Reserves managed by Parks Victoria. The data is managed by the Assest and Infrastrucute team within...Department of Energy, Environment and Climate Action
Rubber recovery in Victoria (part of the Victorian Recycling Industry Annual Survey)
Survey of Victorian recycling industries representing approx 95% of all recycled material in Victoria. Tonnes recycled of different material types recovered (glass, paper,...Sustainability Victoria
Aggregates, masonry & soils recovery in Victoria (part of the Victorian Recycling Industry Annual Survey)
Survey of Victorian recycling industries representing approx 95% of all recycled material in Victoria. Tonnes recycled of different material types recovered (glass, paper,...Sustainability Victoria
CFA Financial Statements
CFA's financial data capture income, expenses, economic flows, assets, liabilities, equity, net worth, cash flow and executive salaries for the financial year 2013-2015. These...Country Fire Authority
Fishermans Bend groundwater studies 2015–2017
The Fishermans Bend groundwater studies were conducted between 2015 and 2017, across the five precincts of Fishermans Bend, as part of the proposed redevelopment. The studies...Environment Protection Authority Victoria
Glass recovery in Victoria (part of the Victorian Recycling Industry Annual Survey)
Survey of Victorian recycling industries representing approx 95% of all recycled material in Victoria. Tonnes recycled of different material types recovered (glass, paper,...Sustainability Victoria
Paper and cardboard recovery in Victoria (part of the Victorian Recycling Industry Annual Survey)
Survey of Victorian recycling industries representing approx 95% of all recycled material in Victoria. Tonnes recycled of different material types recovered (glass, paper,...Sustainability Victoria
CFA Volunteer Demographics (Length of Service)
CFA Volunteer data captures demographic information for all operational and non-operational volunteers (aged 16 years and over). Data are collected in order to meet CFA's...Country Fire Authority
EPA Victoria 2016-17 performance data
Tables are published in EPA Victoria's 2016-17 Annual Report. . Table 7.2: Total pollution reports . Table 7.3: Total pollution reports by region . Table 7.1: Brooklyn...Environment Protection Authority Victoria
CFA Volunteer Demographics
CFA Volunteer data captures demographic information for all operational and non-operational volunteers (aged 16 years and over). Data are collected in order to meet CFA's...Country Fire Authority
Plastics recovery in Victoria (part of the Victorian Recycling Industry Annual Survey)
Survey of Victorian recycling industries representing approx 95% of all recycled material in Victoria. Tonnes recycled of different material types recovered (glass, paper,...Sustainability Victoria
State Environment Protection Policy (Waters) segments
The State Environment Protection Policy (Waters) released in 2018 identifies the beneficial uses and environmental quality objectives that apply to different areas of Victoria....EPA Water Sciences
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CFA Incident Responses
When CFA attends a fire or other incident (e.g. road rescue) a report is prepared on the characteristics of the incident and entered into FIRS (Fire and Incident Reporting...Country Fire Authority
Office-based Waste
The information is sourced from waste audits undertaken. The waste audit range from a one day audit to five days audit. The audit data has been extrapolated in accordance with...Department of Justice and Community Safety
Victorian Recycling Industry Waste Services Workbook 2016-17
Excel workbook containing results and charts from the Survey of Victorian recycling industries representing approx 95% of all recycled material in Victoria. Tonnes recycled of...Sustainability Victoria
CFA Worksafe Employee & Volunteer Claims
CFA's WorkSafe Employee & Volunteer Claims dataset relates to all claims made for all compensable injuries sustained by CFA staff volunteers while undertaking business...Country Fire Authority
CFA Fire Safety Inspections
CFA's Fire Safety Inspection data relates to the number of physical sites subject to Fire Safety Inspections that have been conducted within CFA jurisdictions. The dataset dates...Country Fire Authority
EPA Victoria Groundwater Quality Restricted Use Zones (GQRUZ)
Groundwater Quality Restricted Use Zones (GQRUZ) are areas where there has been historic groundwater pollution as a result of previous industrial or other activities. These...Environment Protection Authority Victoria